Cassandra replication factor when have multiple data centres
When using the NetworkTopologyStrategy, you specify your replication factor on a per-data-center basis using strategy_options:{data-center-name}={rep-factor-value}
rather than the global strategy_options:replication_factor={rep-factor-value}
Here's a concrete example adapted from
CREATE KEYSPACE Excalibur WITH strategy_class = 'NetworkTopologyStrategy'
AND strategy_options:DC1 = 2 AND strategy_options:DC2 = 2;
In that example, any given column would be stored on 4 nodes total, with 2 in each data center.
Replication factor is basically number of replicas( additional copies ) you want to have.
One thing to remember is its always stated " Number of replicas should not be more than number of nodes". So i you have 2 nodes you are not supposed to have 3 as replication factor.