Catch all exceptions in django rest framework

This seems to be the thing I was looking for...

Basically convert the django exception into a drf exception with the same details.

Sometimes in your Django model you want to raise a ``ValidationError`` 
in the ``save`` method, for
some reason.
This exception is not managed by Django Rest Framework because it 
occurs after its validation 
process. So at the end, you'll have a 500.
Correcting this is as simple as overriding the exception handler, by 
converting the Django
``ValidationError`` to a DRF one.

from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError as 

from rest_framework.exceptions import ValidationError as 
from rest_framework.views import exception_handler as 

def exception_handler(exc, context):
    """Handle Django ValidationError as an accepted exception
    Must be set in settings:
    >>> REST_FRAMEWORK = {
    ...     # ...
    ...     'EXCEPTION_HANDLER': 'mtp.apps.common.drf.exception_handler',
    ...     # ...
    ... }
    For the parameters, see ``exception_handler``

    if isinstance(exc, DjangoValidationError):
        if hasattr(exc, 'message_dict'):
            exc = DRFValidationError(detail={'error': exc.message_dict})
        elif hasattr(exc, 'message'):
            exc = DRFValidationError(detail={'error': exc.message})
        elif hasattr(exc, 'messages'):
            exc = DRFValidationError(detail={'error': exc.messages})

    return drf_exception_handler(exc, context)

This worked for me and now instead of a generic 500 response I get a 500 response with the relevant details.