Catch paste input

OK, just bumped into the same issue.. I went around the long way

$('input').on('paste', function () {
  var element = this;
  setTimeout(function () {
    var text = $(element).val();
    // do something with text
  }, 100);

Just a small timeout till .val() func can get populated.


You can actually grab the value straight from the event. Its a bit obtuse how to get to it though.

Return false if you don't want it to go through.

$(this).on('paste', function(e) {

  var pasteData = e.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData('text')


For cross platform compatibility, it should handle oninput and onpropertychange events:

$ (something).bind ("input propertychange", function (e) {
    // check for paste as in example above and
    // do something