Center labels stacked bar (counts) ggplot2

There's some extraneous ddply action going on with this one as I knew the solution I wanted but was having trouble keeping the frequencies aligned with the positions, but I think the algorithm for finding the group midpoints is worth posting:

group_midpoints = function(g) {
  cumsums = c(0, cumsum(g$Freq))
  diffs = diff(cumsums)
  pos = head(cumsums, -1) + (0.5 * diffs)
  return(data.frame(cyl=g$cyl, pos=pos, Freq=g$Freq))

dat3 = ddply(dat, .(gear), group_midpoints)

ggplot(dat3, aes(x = gear, fill = cyl)) +
  geom_bar(aes(weight=Freq), position="stack") +
  geom_text(position = "identity", aes(x = gear, y = pos, ymax = 15, label = cyl), size=4)

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