Change cursor speed in libinput

You can set the cursor speed in two ways:

  1. Set an option in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf

On original 16.04, or 16.04.2 stack it is 90-libinput.conf.

The option is called "AccelSpeed". It is a float number between -1 and 1.


Option "AccelSpeed" "-0.5"

will make cursor slower.

  1. To test setting before you set it in the conf file you can use xinput command. Run it this way:

    xinput set-prop ID "libinput Accel Speed" -0.5

The ID is your touchpad ID in xinput output.

You can check props by

xinput list-props ID

The xinput setting is not persistent and will be reset after a reboot.

Note: The option in xinput is with space Accel Speed and there is no space in the conf file option AccelSpeed.

If you want to see what are other settings, refer to this manual:

