change docker containers IP address

Already accept answer isn't really an answer but just a link. So I will provide solution which works for me. Important to note that solution may get overwritten by docker upgrade. You should be asked about replacing your docker configuration on upgrading package. Config path is valid as of Ubuntu 15.10.

sudo vim /etc/default/docker

add this line to file


then reboot
after reboot start a container

docker run -it --name t2 jangorecki/r-base-dev /bin/bash

and check ip of a container

docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' t2

I hope this link will help you

In short, just add to /etc/network/interfaces the following:

auto docker0
iface docker0 inet static
    bridge_ports dummy0
    bridge_stp off
    bridge_fd 0

And restart the interface, or restart PC.

ifdown docker0
ifup docker0