Change figure numbering for appendix

Redefine \thefigure when your appendices start, and set the figure counter to zero at the beginning of each appendix.

\caption{This is a figure}
\section{A nice appendix}
\caption{This is a figure in appendix A}

You can use the chngcntr package which includes the command \counterwithin.

Using this as \counterwithin{figure}{section} changes the figure numbering from that point on so that the section number is included and resets the numbering of figures at the beginning each subsequent section. An example is:





\subsection{Problem description}

  \centering Figure
  \caption{Call this figure 1.}



  \centering Figure
  \caption{Call this figure A.1.}

  \centering Figure
  \caption{Call this figure A.2.}


Sample output

A simple way to prepend an A to your appendix figures and to have the counter reset is to paste the following two lines before your first figure of the appendix.



as illustrated here.