Change max_connect_errors in MySQL

Here's how I fixed it:

  1. Create a new db parameter group (using command line tools, or console)
  2. Change max_connect_errors in the new parameter group. My command looked like this rds-modify-db-parameter-group -C cert-xxxxxx.pem -K pk-xxxxx.pem --db-parameter-group-name=customdb --parameters "name=max_connect_errors,value=10000,method=immediate" or it can be done in the console.
  3. Modify your database in console to use new parameter group
  4. Restart rds instance. When it comes back it will use the new parameter group with the higher max_connect_errors

It seems Amazon now allows changing this parameter.

You might also want to set skip_name_resolve to 1, unless you need it.