Change Project Explorer tree view font size in Eclipse Oxygen

I assume that it is important for others also, so I am posting this, for below requireds in eclipse ide,

Increase java editor font size

Window Menu -> Preferences -> General > Appearance > Color and Fonts > Java > Java Editor Text Font > Edit & Apply

Increase console output font size

Window Menu -> Preferences -> General > Appearance > Color and Fonts > Debug > Console font > Edit & Apply

Increase xml bean file font size

Window Menu -> Preferences -> General > Appearance > Color and Fonts > Basic > Text Font > Edit & Apply

Increase dialog view font size

Window Menu -> Preferences -> General > Appearance > Color and Fonts > Basic > Dialog Font > Edit & Apply

Increase project explorer tree view font size

enter image description here

If using Windows 7 or higher architecture, then reach to the eclipse home directory, go inside of eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.ui.themes_X.X.X.vXXXXXXXX-XXXX\css directory, find two css files which are "e4_default_gtk.css" and "e4_default_win.css", open and add below said css script part in tail of above two files, save those and close accordingly,

.MPart Tree {
    font-family: Consolas;
    font-size: 14;

if eclipse is opened, restart, it all worked for me on eclipse oxygen.1a release version,

and hope on other OS type, you have to edit the same e4_default_gtk.css and other e4_default_os-type.css, thanks.

I have been searching this for every version of Eclipse and finally I got something which helped me to increase the font size and font type of of the project explorer.

1.go to below path on your local environment

.p2 -> pool -> plugins -> org.eclipse.ui.themes_(version) -> css -> e4_basestyle

2.paste below lines at the end of the file.

Tree {
     font-size: 14px; /* <-- Desired font size */
     font: Consolas;  /* <-- Font you want to have */
  1. Restart the eclipse
  2. You will get the new defined size and font in your project explorer of eclipse.

NOTE : I tried this on latest version of the eclipse on windows 10 and it worked for me. I did not tried on the previous version.

There is now (Eclipse 4.17, July 2020) an official setting:

The font used for tree and table views can now be customized with a font preference. This preference is called "Tree and Table font for views" and can be found in Window > Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts under the "View and Editor Folders" category.

The Project Explorer is an example of a view that gets affected by this font preference.