Change version file automatically on commit with git

You can use git hooks for that.

The pre-commit hook specifically. You can create one from the sample in .git/hooks/pre-commit.sample by removing the .sample suffix and editing it. The content of pre-commit will be executed just before the commit.

It could contain something like this

command-that-increases-version version.text
git add version.text

Any modification of version.text will then be included in the commit.

Finally some advice: you may want to avoid doing this altogether, since it may lead to a lot of merge conflicts when different branches store different values in version.text.


version = open("VERSION.TXT", "r").read()

2. root dir repository

echo 1 > VERSION.TXT

3. add git hook

# cat .git/hooks/post-commit
echo "post-commit started"  
version=$(cat VERSION.TXT); y=$((version=version+1)); echo $y > VERSION.TXT 

4. done

git commit .
git push