Change Wordpress Image URL

If your URL settings are correct under Settings > General, then you could try using a Search and Replace plugin to update every occurrence in your database.

Search for Replace it with

Back up your site first :)

If you did just move your site from another location, I suggest using the Duplicator plugin, which handles all of the replacing.

Use the same solution I wrote for here:

It is as follows:

When you move a Wordpress install, you need to also edit two fields in the database. Run this against your database in order to find the values that need to be edited:

SELECT * FROM `wp_options` WHERE option_name IN('siteurl', 'home');

If database access is not an option, another way to do this is by editing your wp-config.php file to include the following two lines:


Straight from

  1. The "Home" setting is the address you want people to type in their browser to reach your WordPress blog.
  2. The "Site URL" setting is the address where your WordPress core files reside.