Changing the color of itemize item in beamer
How about
\setbeamertemplate{itemize item}{\color{yellow}$\blacksquare$}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize subitem}{\color{orange}$\blacktriangleright$}
\documentclass {beamer}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize item}{\color{yellow}$\blacksquare$}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize subitem}{\color{orange}$\blacktriangleright$}
\item hey
\item hey
\end {document}
The colors for the itemize symbols can be set as any other color in beamer by using \setbeamercolor
, the symbolbols themselves by \setbeamertemplate
The following code was used to get the result above.
\setbeamercolor{itemize item}{fg=red}
\setbeamercolor{itemize subitem}{fg=blue}
\setbeamercolor{itemize subsubitem}{fg=cyan}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize item}[square]
\setbeamertemplate{itemize subitem}[circle]
\setbeamertemplate{itemize subsubitem}[triangle]
\begin{frame}{itemize colors and symbols}
\item a red square
\item a blue circle
\item a cyan triangle
This worked for me, at least in beamerposter:
\setbeamercolor{itemize item}{fg=yellow,bg=white}