Changing the Digit Color of QLCD Number

Actually, it works. QLCDNumber, by default, paints digits in "raised" style. For small sizes, these borders that give the raised effect will mostly cover the digit and you won't see the normal color. If you make it larger, it will show:


If you don't want this "raised" effect, you can turn it off with setSegmentStyle:


Flat QLCDNumber

On the other hand, if you want the "raised" effect but want to control it, you need to do it via QPalette. QPalette.Light and QPalette.Dark are the two colors that control those borders.

# get the palette
palette = lcd.palette()

# foreground color
palette.setColor(palette.WindowText, QtGui.QColor(85, 85, 255))
# background color
palette.setColor(palette.Background, QtGui.QColor(0, 170, 255))
# "light" border
palette.setColor(palette.Light, QtGui.QColor(255, 0, 0))
# "dark" border
palette.setColor(palette.Dark, QtGui.QColor(0, 255, 0))

# set the palette

QLCDNumber custom QPalette


