Check If Azure Resource Group Exist - Azure Powershell

try this

$ResourceGroupName = Read-Host "Resource group name"
Find-AzureRmResourceGroup | where {$ -EQ $ResourceGroupName}


You should use the Get-AzResourceGroup cmdlet from the new cross-plattform AZ PowerShell Module now. :

Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $myResourceGroupName -ErrorVariable notPresent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

if ($notPresent)
    # ResourceGroup doesn't exist
    # ResourceGroup exist

Original Answer:

There is a Get-AzureRmResourceGroup cmdlet:

Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $myResourceGroupName -ErrorVariable notPresent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

if ($notPresent)
    # ResourceGroup doesn't exist
    # ResourceGroup exist

I am a PS newbie and I was looking for a solution to this question.

Instead of searching directly on SO I tried to investigate on my own using PS help (to get more experience on PS) and I came up with a working solution. Then I searched SO to see how I compared to experts answers. I guess my solution is less elegant but more compact. I report it here so others can give their opinions:

if (!(Get-AzResourceGroup $rgname -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
   { "not found"}

Explanation of my logic: I analyzed the Get-AzResourceGroup output and saw it's either an array with found Resource groups elements or null if no group is found. I chose the not (!) form which is a bit longer but allows to skip the else condition. Most frequently we just need to create the resource group if it doesn't exist and do nothing if it exists already.