Check whether HTML element has scrollbars

I found this somewhere a couple of weeks ago. It worked for me.

var div = document.getElementById('container_div_id');

var hasHorizontalScrollbar = div.scrollWidth > div.clientWidth;
var hasVerticalScrollbar = div.scrollHeight > div.clientHeight;

/* you'll get true/false */


For vertical scroll bar

el.scrollHeight > el.clientHeight

For horizontal scrollbar

el.scrollWidth > el.clientWidth

I know this works for IE8 and Firefox 3.6+ at least.

This may seem (or be) a little hackish, but you could test the scrollTop and scrollLeft properties.

If they're greater than 0, you know there are scrollbars. If they're 0, then set them to 1, and test them again to see if you get a result of 1. Then set them back to 0.


function hasScroll(el, direction) {
    direction = (direction === 'vertical') ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft';
    var result = !! el[direction];

    if (!result) {
        el[direction] = 1;
        result = !!el[direction];
        el[direction] = 0;
    return result;

alert('vertical? ' + hasScroll(document.body, 'vertical'));
alert('horizontal? ' + hasScroll(document.body, 'horizontal'));

I believe there's a different property for IE, so I'll update in a minute with that.

EDIT: Appears as though IE may support this property. (I can't test IE right now.)

Here is yet another solution:

As a few people pointed out, simply comparing offsetHeight and scrollHeight is not enough since they differ on elements with overflow hidden, etc., that still don't have scrollbars. So here I'm also checking if overflow is scroll or auto on the computed styles for the element:

var isScrollable = function(node) {
  var overflowY = window.getComputedStyle(node)['overflow-y'];
  var overflowX = window.getComputedStyle(node)['overflow-x'];
  return {
    vertical: (overflowY === 'scroll' || overflowY === 'auto') && node.scrollHeight > node.clientHeight,
    horizontal: (overflowX === 'scroll' || overflowX === 'auto') && node.scrollWidth > node.clientWidth,