Chrome Console SameSite Cookie Attribute Warning

You can disable them through chrome://flags Cookie Deprecation messages disabled.

Screenshot of chrome://flags with option to disable

This is something that the third-party cookie setters (like Stripe) need to handle on their end.

I reached out to Stripe because I was getting this message for Stripe payments.

Stripe support response:

It looks like we're already tracking this internally as this warning comes from Stripe.js, not from react-stripe-elements. For now this is a warning and won't affect payments, and we're working on a fix which will eliminate this message and be compatible with Chrome's upcoming cookie-handling changes.

(Me) So, it's all on your end? I don't need to do anything?

No, this is something we have to get worked out on our end.

Oh, if you're a developer at Stripe/Facebook/Pinterest/so-forth, this answer won't work for you ;)

Chrome version 80 will be available 4th of February. It looks like the console 'SameSite Cookie Attribute' warning is finally solved by Google. You can download Chrome Beta and make your own tests before the launch of the official version 80.