chronometer doesn't stop in android

Sorry, but I've found a solution myself and it seems much simpler:

  1. In your activity, declare a member variable(e.g. lastPause) to record the time of your last pause:

    private long lastPause;

  2. Start your timer (assume the variable of your timer is crono):



  3. Pause your timer each time using:

    lastPause = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();


  4. Resume your timer each time using:

    crono.setBase(crono.getBase() + SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - lastPause);


I've not tested the precision precisely yet as it seems to be ok by my eyes :]

From the Chronometer doc

Stop counting up. This does not affect the base as set from setBase(long), just the view display.

I dont have any android dev environment right now, so cant investigate on it more :(

Edit: is it the code you have based your code on ? It seems to use setBase to the current time on stop