CKError: Query filter exceeds the limit of values: 250 for container

You're requesting more CKRecords to iCloud before your query operation finished.

operation.queryCompletionBlock = {
    (cursor, error) in
    if let error = error {
        //handle error
    } else if let cursor = cursor {
    } else {
        //all done!

Function self.fetchVisits(cursor) call is done inside the completion block, this means that your are requesting for more records before your current operation has finished.

Possible solution is to use a closure (completionHandler) in which you include the CKQueryCursor, when user need more records (scroll a table or whatever) you call one again self.fetchVisits passing the cursos received on your closure.

Ok, so I've seen this before and the issue is, I believe, a bug in on the CloudKit servers. In my experience, it has to do with complex queries.

If you try changing your predicate to:

NSPredicate(value: true)

Or even simplifying your existing one by removing the ANY part, that may be enough to fix it.