clearing rails app database on heroku production site

You can use heroku pg:reset DATABASE command to reset the entire database. The command will simply drop and create the database.

You have to use heroku rake db:migrate to create the tables then.

Alternatively you can use rake db:reset command locally and then run heroku db:push to update the production db.

heroku pg:reset DATABASE --confirm {app-name}

heroku run rake db:migrate

heroku run rake db:seed

Login on Heroku through terminal and then run one of following commands:

heroku rake db:reset
heroku run rake db:reset

The first one is an old one and the second is latest.

The 2013 way to do this is:

Enter heroku pg:reset DATABASE in your console and then enter in your app name when prompted. This will drop the entire database -- tables, rows, columns, all of its data, everything.

Then, enter heroku run rake db:migrate. This will create the same table, rows, and columns, but without any object data.