Clion memory view

Memory View has been added to CLion in version 2019.1. To open it, select a pointer variable in the debugger’s variables view and press Ctrl+Enter on Windows/Linux or ⌘Enter on macOS.

In all earlier versions you can use the debugger's command x which is available in both GDB and LLDB. You can choose the debugger via CLion->Preferences->Build,Execution,Deployment->Toolchains->Debugger, and display the Debug window via View->Tool Windows->Debug or it should appear if you start a new debugging session via Run->Debug.

For example, in the Debug window I can eXplore memory starting at the address of a variable i:

(lldb) x &i
0x7fff59dbac58: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 88 ac db 59 ff 7f 00 00  ...........Y....
0x7fff59dbac68: 5e 30 2f 61 ff 7f 00 00 88 ac db 59 ff 7f 00 00  ^0/a.......Y....

Not exactly memory view, but the following proved extremely useful for me. If you have a variable like char *p then you can add (char[100])p to watches and see 100 characters in memory beginning from p.



