Clone ownership and permissions from another file?

On GNU/Linux chown and chmod have a --reference option

chown --reference=otherfile thisfile
chmod --reference=otherfile thisfile

On any unix with GNU utilities, such as (non-embedded) Linux or Cygwin, you can use chmod --reference and chown --reference.

If your system has ACLs, try the ACL commands getfacl and setfacl. These commands differ a little from system to system, but on many you can use getfacl other_file | setfacl -bnM - file_to_change to copy the permissions. This doesn't copy the ownership; you can do that with careful parsing of ls -l other_file, assuming that you don't have user or group names containing whitespace.

LC_ALL=C ls -l other_file | {
  read -r permissions links user group stuff;
  chown -- "$user:$group" file_to_change
getfacl other_file | setfacl -bnM - file_to_change

Did a bash command based on the response of Matteo :)


chmod $( stat -f '%p' "$1" ) "${@:2}"


cp-permissions <from> <to>...