Cloned Select2 is not responding

you have to destroy select2 first before cloning, but .select2('destroy') not works. Use this:

$myClone = $("section.origen").clone();



Before you clone the row, you need to disable Select2 on the select element by calling its destroy method:


Reverts changes to DOM done by Select2. Any selection done via Select2 will be preserved.


After you clone the row and insert its clone in the DOM, you need to enable select2 on both select elements (the original one and the new cloned one).

Here's a JSFiddle that shows how it can be done:

Fiddle's code


<div id="contents">
    <select id="sel" data-placeholder="-Select education level-">
        <option value="a">High School</option>
        <option value="b">Bachelor</option>
        <option value="c">Master's</option>
        <option value="c">Doctorate</option>
<button id="add">add a dropdown</button>


#contents div.select2-container {
    margin: 10px;
    display: block;
    max-width: 60%;


$(document).ready(function () {
    $("#add").click(function () {
            // call destroy to revert the changes made by Select2
                // clone the row and insert it in the DOM
        // enable Select2 on the select elements

I've actually created account to answer this, since it took me a while to make it work.

This is not working when used before cloning: $('.selectpicker').select2('destroy')

But this works in my case:


Just remove all the additional attributes which select2 adds.

Edit #1

Ok so seems like You also got to remove ID from the element that is being cloned since select2 tries to add it's own unique id when none is found on the select, but when You do have select it's getting messy and selet2 attaches only on the last element with the same ID.

I faced the same problem, while trying to add a row to a table dynamically. (the row contains more than one select2 instance.)

I solved it in this way:

function addrow()
    var row = $("#table1 tr:last");


    var newrow = row.clone();       



The trick was that you need to destroy all the instances of .select2 separately and before cloning the row. And then after cloning, re-initialize the .select2. I hope this will work for others as well.