Closer slanted parallel symbol
Raise and scale.
\sbox\z@{$#1T$}% get the height of an uppercase letter
$AB\newparallel CD$
$\scriptstyle AB\newparallel CD$
A different implementation with picture
mode. One can easily vary the slope by acting on the second argument to \mathpalette
\settoheight{\unitlength}{$#1T$}% get the height of an uppercase letter
\ifx#1\displaystyle \fontdimen8\textfont\else
\ifx#1\textstyle \fontdimen8\textfont\else
\ifx#1\scriptstyle \fontdimen8\scriptfont\else
1.1\fontdimen8\scriptscriptfont\fi\fi\fi 3
$AB\newparallel CD$ ${\newparallel}/$
$\scriptstyle AB\newparallel CD$ $\scriptstyle{\newparallel}/$
$\scriptscriptstyle AB\newparallel CD$ $\scriptscriptstyle{\newparallel}/$
{\Large$AB\newparallel CD$ ${\newparallel}/$}
This is for Computer Modern fonts; for different fonts, \roundcap
might be omitted. In the example I show the standard slash to compare the line thickness.