Combinations with repetition

You can encode each combination as {na,nb,nc,nd} where na gives the number of times a appears. The task is then to find all possible combinations of 4 non-negative integers that add up to 3. IntegerPartition gives a fast way to generate all such such combinations where order doesn't matter, and you follow it with Permutations to account for different orders

vars = {a, b, c, d};
len = 3;
coef2vars[lst_] := 
 Join @@ (MapIndexed[Table[vars[[#2[[1]]]], {#1}] &, lst])
coefs = Permutations /@ 
   IntegerPartitions[len, {Length[vars]}, Range[0, len]];
coef2vars /@ Flatten[coefs, 1]

Just for fun, here's timing comparison between IntegerPartitions and Tuples for this task, in log-seconds

approach1[numTypes_, len_] := 
  Union[Sort /@ Tuples[Range[numTypes], len]];
approach2[numTypes_, len_] := 
  Flatten[Permutations /@ 
    IntegerPartitions[len, {numTypes}, Range[0, len]], 1];

plot1 = ListLinePlot[(AbsoluteTiming[approach1[3, #];] // First // 
       Log) & /@ Range[13], PlotStyle -> Red];
plot2 = ListLinePlot[(AbsoluteTiming[approach2[3, #];] // First // 
       Log) & /@ Range[13]];
Show[plot1, plot2]


DeleteDuplicates[Map[Sort, Tuples[{a, b, c, d}, 3]]]

Here's a simple solution that takes advantage of Mathetmatica's built-in function Subsets and thus is a nice balance between simplicity and performance. There is a simple bijection between k-subsets of [n+k-1] and k-combinations of [n] with repetition. This function changes subsets into combinations with repetition.

CombWithRep[n_, k_] := #-(Range[k]-1)&/@Subsets[Range[n+k-1],{k}]



