Combinations With Repetitions C#



here is the C# version - I walk you through it

static IEnumerable<String> CombinationsWithRepetition(IEnumerable<int> input, int length)
    if (length <= 0)
        yield return "";
        foreach(var i in input)
            foreach(var c in CombinationsWithRepetition(input, length-1))
                yield return i.ToString() + c;

First you check the border-cases for the recursion (in this case if length <= 0) - in this case the answer is the empty string (btw: I choose to return strings as you did not say what your really needed - should be easy to change).

In any other case you look at each input i and recursivley take the next-smaller combinations and just plug em together (with String-concatination because I wanted strings).

I hope you understand the IEnumerable/yield stuff - if not say so in the comments please.

Here is a sample output:

foreach (var c in CombinationsWithRepetition(new int[]{1,2,3}, 3))
    Console.WriteLine (c);

converting numbers

The following uses the idea I sketched in the comment below and has no problems with stack-overflow exceptions (recursion might for big lenght) - this too assumes strings as they are easier to work with (and I can do a simple PadLeft to simplify things)

static String Convert(string symbols, int number, int totalLen)
    var result = "";
    var len = symbols.Length;
    var nullSym = symbols [0];
    while (number > 0)
        var index = number % len;
        number = number / len;
        result = symbols [index] + result;
    return result.PadLeft (totalLen, nullSym);

static IEnumerable<String> CombinationsWithRepetition(string symbols, int len)
    for (var i = 0; i < Math.Pow(symbols.Length,len); i++)
        yield return Convert (symbols, i, len);