Combine logical vectors in list using logical OR
How about Reduce:
Reduce("&", opts)
Reduce("|", opts)
If all the lists are the same length, you can cast it to a data frame, and then use any
Edit: while I thought this might be fast because it avoids cbind
, it turns out that this is the slowest by far of the three solutions, according to my benchmarking:
opts = as.list(, FALSE), 10000, replace=TRUE), nrow=1000)))
microbenchmark(Reduce("|",opts),rowSums(, opts)) > 0,
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq median uq
Reduce("|", opts) 99.200 101.0780 106.596 110.3725
rowSums(, opts)) > 0 209.326 211.9665 217.329 224.0505
apply(, 1, any) 4130.429 4245.7380 4308.054 4438.2485
max neval
120.63 100
237.19 100
6949.19 100