Command line active directory query email address for username
Solution 1:
dsquery user -name "user name"|dsget user -samid -email -display
Solution 2:
dsquery user -name "Firstname Lastname" | dsget user -email
Solution 3:
If the email that you want is also the User Principal Name, you can get it with
whoami /upn
However, this only works to get the email of the current user, not any user as the question originally postulated.
Solution 4:
something like this dsquery might work.
query email by username dsquery.exe * -filter "(&(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=computer)(sAMAccountName=username)))" | dsget user -email
I misread the post first and thought you wanted user name from email name. That's why i posted this one. dsquery.exe * -filter "(&(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=computer)(" -attr username
based on some scripts at work and this site which has some other ideas about using csvde.exe
Solution 5:
adfind -sc u:"username" mail