Compare if two variables reference the same object in python

That’s what is is for.

In the example, x is y returns True because it is the same object while x is z returns False because it are different objects (which happen to hold identical data).

While the two correct solutions x is z and id(x) == id(z) have already been posted, I want to point out an implementation detail of python. Python stores integers as objects, as an optimization it generates a bunch of small integers at its start (-5 to 256) and points EVERY variable holding an integer with a small value to these preinitialized objects. More Info

This means that for integer objects initialized to the same small numbers (-5 to 256) checking if two objects are the same will return true (ON C-Pyhon, as far as I am aware this is an implementation detail), while for larger numbers this only returns true if one object is initialized form the other.

> i = 13
> j = 13
> i is j

> a = 280
> b = 280
> a is b

> a = b
> a
> a is b

y is x will be True, y is z will be False.

You can also use id() to check which unique object each variable name refers to.

In [1]: x1, x2 = 'foo', 'foo'

In [2]: x1 == x2
Out[2]: True

In [3]: id(x1), id(x2)
Out[3]: (4509849040, 4509849040)

In [4]: x2 = 'foobar'[0:3]

In [5]: x2
Out[5]: 'foo'

In [6]: x1 == x2
Out[6]: True

In [7]: x1 is x2
Out[7]: False

In [8]: id(x1), id(x2)
Out[8]: (4509849040, 4526514944)

