Complex WHERE clauses using the PHP Doctrine ORM
The correct way of doing this can be found at doctrine 2 - query builder conditional queries... If statements? as noted by @Jekis. Here is how to use the expression builder to solve this like in @anushr's example.
$qb->where($qb->expr()->eq('name', ':name'))
$qb->expr()->eq('category1', ':category1'),
$qb->expr()->eq('category2', ':category2'),
$qb->expr()->eq('category3', ':category3')
->andWhere($qb->expr()->lt('price', ':price')
->setParameter('name', 'ABC')
->setParameter('category1', 'X')
->setParameter('category2', 'X')
->setParameter('category3', 'X')
->setParameter('price', 10);
From my experience, each complex where
function is grouped within parenthesis (I'm using Doctrine 1.2.1).
$q->where('name = ?', 'ABC')
->andWhere('category1 = ? OR category2 = ? OR category3 = ?', array('X', 'X', 'X'))
->andWhere('price < ?', 10)
produces the following SQL:
WHERE name = 'ABC'
AND (category1 = 'X' OR category2 = 'X' OR category3 = 'X')
AND price < 10