Confirm Window in React

Basically you're binding the function instead of calling it... you should bind beforehand, preferably in the constructor... then call it. Try this:

renderPosts() {
  this.removeToCollection = this.removeToCollection.bind(this);
  return, (catalogue, key) => {
    return (
      <div className="item col-md-3" key={key} id={key}>
          <img src={this.state.catalogue[key].avatarURL} height={150} with={150}/>
          <div className="text-center">
          <button className="btn btn-danger" onClick={() => {if(window.confirm('Delete the item?')){this.removeToCollection(key, e)};}}>Supprimer</button>


You are just binding function and not calling it.

The right synatx to use bind and called binded function.

if (window.confirm("Delete the item?")) {
    let removeToCollection = this.removeToCollection.bind(this, 11);//bind will return to reference to binded function and not call it.

OR you can do like this as well without bind.

if (window.confirm("Delete the item?")) {

If this is concern inside removeToCollection then use arrow function to define it.

removeToCollection=(key)=> {

Working codesandbox demo