Conformal maps in higher dimensions
I think you're looking for Liouville's theorem. This theorem states that for $n >2$, if $V_1,V_2 \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ are open subsets and $f : V_1 \rightarrow V_2$ is a smooth conformal map, then $f$ is the restriction of a higher-dimensional analogue of a Mobius transformation.
By the way, observe that there are no assumptions on the topology of the $V_i$ -- they don't have to be simply-connected, etc.
EDIT : I'm updating this ancient answer to link to a blog post by Danny Calegari which contains a sketch of a beautifully geometric argument for Liouville's theorem.
Because the Riemann mapping theorem does not hold in higher dimensions. While there are all sorts of conformal mappings in dimension 2, for higher dimensions Liouville's theorem restricts all possible conformal mappings to the ones that are compositions of similarities, translations, orthogonal transformations and inversions. In generality there are contractible spaces not homeomorphic (therefore not conformal) to $\mathbb{R}^n$ such as Whitehead continuum
As for the proof of Liouville's theorem, maybe this article is of interest where you can see a sketch of Nevanlinna's original proof and a proof by nonstandard analysis.
There is a proof of Liouville's theorem by Charles Frances with less computations than most others, and carrying some intuition. However it is restricted to real-analytic transforms, and it is written in French. It has been published in "L'enseignement mathématique", and is available there: