contentEditable - Firefox <br /> tag
Try inserting a <p></p>
inside your element. Then almost certainly every newline will be a new paragraph.
I've found the solution :) In order to make this work, you've to give an id to the caret's parent element. Then you can use the following code. Please note that I get the browsernName from c# and put it into a hidden field. That's why I equaled it to "firefox". The following code is tested with FF 3.6 and it works perfectly. The only thing is that you'll have to check the caret's parent element and if it is not equal to the current row's id, then you'll have to place the caret inside the current row by using a selection function. Also, perform this code on the keyup event and make sure that if you perform some other codes on the keyup event, put this code at the end of it! Anways, enjoy :)
// The code works good in the following cases:
// 1) If there is text inside the editor and the user selects the whole text
// and replace it with a single character, the <p> tag will be placed and the
// text will place inside the p tag
// 2) If the user selects the whole code and deletes it and begins to type again
// 3) If the user types normally and press enter
// NB: Please note me if you find any bug
if (browserName == "firefox") {
//remove all br tags
var brs = txteditor.getElementsByTagName("br");
for (var i = 0; i < brs.length; i++) { brs[i].parentNode.removeChild(brs[i]); }
//check whether there is a p tag inside
var para = txteditor.getElementsByTagName("p");
if (para.length == 0) {
var inner = txteditor.innerHTML.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
var str = (inner == "") ? "​" : txteditor.innerHTML;
var nText = "<p id=\"" + cRow + "\">" + str + "</p>";
// in order to prevent a dublicate row clear inside the text editor
txteditor.innerHTML = "";
document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, nText);
} else {
// always make sure that the current row's innerHTML is never empty
if (document.getElementById(cRow).innerHTML == "")
document.getElementById(cRow).innerHTML = "​";