Control vertical space between answers in alterqcm

Werner's answer is fine. Alterqcm uses a tabular and in the last version, I added a longtable option. In fact some problems arrive because one question or one proposition takes a lot of space. The good way is to use a global method like the FACTOR approach or like the LENGTH approach and then you can use a local approach.

You can modify the position of the questions with pq=..., the questions are moved inside the case. The modifications are global with \begin{alterqcm}[lq=85mm,pq=2mm]and local with \AQquestion[pq=6mm]{...}.

If you want more space for a one proposition, you can add something like \AQms(16,14). This a rule with no width ( a phantom ) and it's often very useful to put the proposition inside a minipage to get a correct result.


 {Proposition 1},
 {Proposition 2},
 {Proposition 3}} 
 {Proposition 1},
 {\AQms(16,14) Proposition 2},
 {Proposition 3}}   


enter image description here

Update with fractions. The first array is correct but if you use \arraystretchyou need to add pq=- get a correct placement.



    \AQquestion{Pour tout réel $x$, le nombre \[\dfrac{\text{e}^x - 1}{\text{e}^x + 2}\hskip12pt \text{égal à :} \] }
    {$\dfrac{\text{e}^{-x} - 1}{\text{e}^{-x} + 2}$},
    {$\dfrac{1 - \text{e}^{-x}}{1 + 2\text{e}^{-x}}$}
    \AQquestion{On pose I $= \displaystyle\int_{\ln 2}^{\ln 3} \dfrac{1}{\text{e}^x - 1}\,\text{d}x$ et J $ = \displaystyle\int_{\ln 2}^{\ln 3} \dfrac{\text{e}^x}{\text{e}^x - 1}\,\text{d}x$ \\ alors le nombre  I $-$ J est égal à}
    {{$\ln \dfrac{2}{3}$},
    {$\ln \dfrac{3}{2}$},

    \AQquestion{Pour tout réel $x$, le nombre \[\dfrac{\text{e}^x - 1}{\text{e}^x + 2}\hskip12pt \text{égal à :} \] }
    {$\dfrac{\text{e}^{-x} - 1}{\text{e}^{-x} + 2}$},
    {$\dfrac{1 - \text{e}^{-x}}{1 + 2\text{e}^{-x}}$}
    \AQquestion{On pose I $= \displaystyle\int_{\ln 2}^{\ln 3} \dfrac{1}{\text{e}^x - 1}\,\text{d}x$ et J $ = \displaystyle\int_{\ln 2}^{\ln 3} \dfrac{\text{e}^x}{\text{e}^x - 1}\,\text{d}x$ \\ alors le nombre  I $-$ J est égal à}
    {{$\ln \dfrac{2}{3}$},
    {$\ln \dfrac{3}{2}$},
\end{alterqcm} }


enter image description here

Since the typesetting of the alterqcm environment is done in a tabular, you can perform the same adjustments you normally would for gaining extra row height. Here's a minimal example:

enter image description here


 {Proposition 1},
 {Proposition 2},
 {Proposition 3}}  


% =========== FACTOR approach ===========
 {Proposition 1},
 {Proposition 2},
 {Proposition 3}}  


% =========== LENGTH approach ===========
 {Proposition 1},
 {Proposition 2},
 {Proposition 3}}  


Although I've enlarged the vertical spacing, you can specify a fraction for \arraystretch or negative lengths for \extrarowheight.

This controls global changes for the entire alterqcm environment (header and body).