Convert a string to sentence case
05AB1E, 3 bytes
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Nothing like a good old built-in answer! This converts the string to lowercase and then performs sentence case.
Erlang (escript), 77 bytes
If non-periods are allowed... well, that greatly golfs my program!
g(H)->[string:titlecase(string:lowercase(I))||I<-re:split(H,"(\\W[\\W ]+)")].
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g(H)-> % Define a function.
re:split(H,"(\\W[\\W ]+)") % Split the operand on "sentences", keeping the items reserved for splitting.
% I.e. none of the items from the string is missing after the split
||I<- ] % For every item in a sentence,
% Title case the sentence.
. % End the function.
JavaScript (Node.js), 101 bytes
s=>(s.reduce((a,c)=>c=='.'?(r+=c,'Upp'):c>' '?(r+=c['to'+a+'erCase'](),'Low'):(r+=c,a),'Upp',r=''),r)
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