Convert Array of UnicodeScalar into String in Swift

You can use this extension from @dfri to initialize a string from a UnicodeScalar sequence as follow:

extension Sequence where Element == UnicodeScalar { 
    var string: String { .init(String.UnicodeScalarView(self)) } 

let array: [UnicodeScalar] = ["f", "o", "o"]
print(array.string) //  "foo\n"

The second case is simpler because array2 is a UnicodeScalarView and not an array:

let array2 = "bar".unicodeScalars

let str2 = String(array2)
print(str2) // bar

If you have an array (or any sequence) of Unicode scalars then you can start with an empty string and append the elements to its unicodeScalars view:

let array = [UnicodeScalar("f")!, UnicodeScalar("o")!, UnicodeScalar("o")!]
// Or: let array: [UnicodeScalar] = ["f", "o", "o"]

var str1 = ""
str1.unicodeScalars.append(contentsOf: array)
print(str1) // foo

Of course you can define a custom extension for that purpose:

extension String {
    init<S: Sequence>(unicodeScalars ucs: S)
        where S.Iterator.Element == UnicodeScalar
        var s = ""
        s.unicodeScalars.append(contentsOf: ucs)
        self = s

let str1 = String(unicodeScalars: array)