Convert ES6 Class with Symbols to JSON

for more dynamic solution use this:

export class MeMe(){
 toJSON() {
    return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this).reduce((a, b) => {
      a[b] = this[b];
      return a;
    }, {});

or you can use my json-decorator :)

import json from "json-decorator";  

@json("postID") // pass the property names that you want to ignore
export class MeMe(){
  // ...

I'm assuming you're using symbols to keep the data private, but this means you're going to have to go through some extra steps if you want that data included in the JSON representation.

Here's an example using toJSON on your model to explicitly export the properties you care about

export class PostEdit {

  // ...
  toJSON() {
    return {
      postID: this.postID,
      title:  this.title,
      text:   this.text


export class PostEdit {

  // ...
  toJSON() {
    let {postID, title, text} = this;
    return {postID, title, text};

When JSON.stringify is called on your instance, it will automatically call toJSON