Convert the output of os.cpus() in Node.js to percentage

This module, that caN be installed using NPM provides what you need:

calle the cpuUsage(callback) method and you will get what you need.

According to the docs, times is

an object containing the number of CPU ticks spent in: user, nice, sys, idle, and irq

So you should just be able to sum the times and calculate the percentage, like below:

var cpus = os.cpus();

for(var i = 0, len = cpus.length; i < len; i++) {
    console.log("CPU %s:", i);
    var cpu = cpus[i], total = 0;

    for(var type in cpu.times) {
        total += cpu.times[type];

    for(type in cpu.times) {
        console.log("\t", type, Math.round(100 * cpu.times[type] / total));

EDIT: As Tom Frost says in the comments, this is the average usage since system boot. This is consistent with the question, since the same is true of iostat. However, iostat has the option of doing regular updates, showing the average usage since the last update. Tom's method would work well for implementing that.