converting a list of shapely geometry to numpy array

I created a shapefile with your point coordinates and the following code produces those numpy arrays:

import fiona
from shapely.geometry import shape
import numpy as np

path = '/home/zeito/pyqgis_data/points_list.shp' #your points

points =

geoms = [ shape(feat["geometry"]) for feat in points ]

list_arrays = [ np.array((geom.xy[0][0], geom.xy[1][0])) for geom in geoms ]

for array in list_arrays:
    print array

Result after running it is:

[ 656822.07964268 -185003.72434373]
[ 656917.75456579 -184985.66727045]
[ 656997.7888964  -185001.57868412]