Converting time stamps in excel to dates

Use this formula and set formatting to the desired time format:


Source: Tested in libreoffice

A timestamp is the elapsed time since Epoch time (01/01/1970), so basically we have to convert this time in days, and add the epoch time, to get a valid format for any Excel like spreadsheet software.

  • From a timestamp in milliseconds (ex: 1488380243994)

    use this formula:


    with this formater:

    yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000
  • From a timestamp in seconds (ex: 1488380243)

    use this formula:


    with this formater:

    yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Where A1 is your column identifier. Given custom formaters allow to not loose precision in displayed data, but you can of course use any other date/time one that corresponds to your needs.