Converting unicode character to string format

A function from k.ken's response:

function unicodeToChar(text) {
   return text.replace(/\\u[\dA-F]{4}/gi, 
          function (match) {
               return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(match.replace(/\\u/g, ''), 16));

Takes all unicode characters in the inputted string, and converts them to the character.

Just found a way: String.fromCharCode(parseInt(unicode,16)) returns the right symbol representation. The unicode here doesn't have the \u in front of it just the number.

To convert an given Unicode-Char like  to String-Representation, you can also use this one-liner:

var unicodeToStr = ''.codePointAt(0).toString(16)

The above example gives you 'F21D'. Used with fontAwesome, you get street-view Icon: '\F21D'