Copying a file from one directory to another with Ruby

I had to copy 1 in every 3 files from multiple directories to another. For those who wonder, this is how I did it:

require 'fileutils'

# Print origin folder question

puts 'Please select origin folder'

# Select origin folder

origin_folder = gets.chomp

# Select every file inside origin folder with .png extension

origin_folder = Dir["#{origin_folder}/*png"]

# Print destination folder question

puts 'Please select destination folder'

# Select destination folder

destination_folder = gets.chomp

# Select 1 in every 3 files in origin folder
(0..origin_folder.length).step(3).each do |index|
  # Copy files
  FileUtils.cp(origin_folder[index], destination_folder)

Something like this should work.

my_dir = Dir["C:/Documents and Settings/user/Desktop/originalfiles/*.doc"]
my_dir.each do |filename|
  name = File.basename('filename', '.doc')[0,4]
  dest_folder = "C:/Documents and Settings/user/Desktop/destinationfolder/#{name}/"
  FileUtils.cp(filename, dest_folder)

You have to actually specify the destination folder, I don't think you can use wildcards.

* is a wildcard meaning "any number of characters", so "****" means "any number of any number of any number of any number of characters", which is probably not what you mean.

? is the proper symbol for "any character in this position", so "????" means "a string of four characters only".


