Copying a file from one directory to another with Ruby
I had to copy 1 in every 3 files from multiple directories to another. For those who wonder, this is how I did it:
require 'fileutils'
# Print origin folder question
puts 'Please select origin folder'
# Select origin folder
origin_folder = gets.chomp
# Select every file inside origin folder with .png extension
origin_folder = Dir["#{origin_folder}/*png"]
# Print destination folder question
puts 'Please select destination folder'
# Select destination folder
destination_folder = gets.chomp
# Select 1 in every 3 files in origin folder
(0..origin_folder.length).step(3).each do |index|
# Copy files
FileUtils.cp(origin_folder[index], destination_folder)
Something like this should work.
my_dir = Dir["C:/Documents and Settings/user/Desktop/originalfiles/*.doc"]
my_dir.each do |filename|
name = File.basename('filename', '.doc')[0,4]
dest_folder = "C:/Documents and Settings/user/Desktop/destinationfolder/#{name}/"
FileUtils.cp(filename, dest_folder)
You have to actually specify the destination folder, I don't think you can use wildcards.
is a wildcard meaning "any number of characters", so "****
" means "any number of any number of any number of any number of characters", which is probably not what you mean.
is the proper symbol for "any character in this position", so "????
" means "a string of four characters only".