Corner Radius property of UILabel is not working in iOS 7.1
Try setting the UILabel's clipsToBounds
property to YES
Add the next line to your code:
// Swift:
originaltagLbl.layer.masksToBounds = true
// Objective C:
originaltagLbl.layer.masksToBounds = YES;
For information see this SO answer, or read documentation.
Swift 3/4/5
yourlabel.layer.cornerRadius = 8 //your desire radius
yourlabel.layer.masksToBounds = true
It's true that clipsToBounds works in 7.1, but the problem is in situations where you're scrolling/animating it's really slow and makes everything laggy.
Setting the background color on the layer instead of the uiview is all that is needed.
See: UILabel layer cornerRadius negatively impacting performance