Correct Try...Catch Syntax Using Async/Await

Cleaner code

using async/await with Promise catch handler.

From what I see, this has been a long-standing problem that has bugged (both meanings) many programmers and their code. The Promise .catch is really no different from try/catch.

Working harmoniously with await/async, ES6 Promise's catch handler provides a proper solution and make code cleaner:

const createUser = await this.User
    .catch(error => console.error(error))

// business
// logic
// goes
// here

Note that while this answers the question, it gobbles up the error. The intention must for the execution to continue and not throw. In this case, it's usually always better to be explicit and return false from catch and check for user:

    .catch(error => { 
        return false 

if (!createdUser) // stop operation

Likely, one will want to throw. So the complete answer as follows:

const createUser = await this.User
    .catch(error => {
        // do what you need with the error

        // maybe send to Datadog or Sentry

        // don't gobble up the error
        throw error

// business
// logic
// goes
// here

Learning catch doesn't seem like worth it?

The cleanliness benefits may not be apparent above, but it adds up in real-world complex async operations.

As an illustration, besides creating user (this.User.create), we can push notification (this.pushNotification) and send email (this.sendEmail).


this.User.create = async(userInfo) => {

    // collect some fb data and do some background check in parallel
    const facebookDetails = await retrieveFacebookAsync(
        .catch(error => {
            // we can do some special error handling

            // and throw back the error
    const backgroundCheck = await backgroundCheckAsync(userInfo.passportID)

    if (backgroundCheck.pass !== true) throw Error('Background check failed')

    // now we can insert everything
    const createdUser = await Database.insert({ ...userInfo, ...facebookDetails })

    return createdUser

this.pushNotifcation and this.sendEmail

this.pushNotification = async(userInfo) => {
    const pushed = await PushNotificationProvider.send(userInfo)
    return pushed

this.sendEmail = async(userInfo) => {
    const sent = await mail({ to:, message: 'Welcome' })
    return sent

Compose the operations:

const createdUser = await this.User
    .catch(error => {
        // handle error

// business logic here

return await Promise.all([
]).catch(error => {
    // handle errors caused
    // by pushNotification or sendEmail

No try/catch. And it's clear what errors you are handling.

It seems to be best practice not to place multiple lines of business logic in the try body

Actually I'd say it is. You usually want to catch all exceptions from working with the value:

try {
    const createdUser = await this.User.create(userInfo);

    // business logic goes here
} catch (error) {
    console.error(error) // from creation or business logic

If you want to catch and handle errors only from the promise, you have three choices:

  • Declare the variable outside, and branch depending on whether there was an exception or not. That can take various forms, like

    • assign a default value to the variable in the catch block
    • return early or re-throw an exception from the catch block
    • set a flag whether the catch block caught an exception, and test for it in an if condition
    • test for the value of the variable to have been assigned
      let createdUser; // or use `var` inside the block
      try {
          createdUser = await this.User.create(userInfo);
      } catch (error) {
          console.error(error) // from creation
      if (createdUser) { // user was successfully created
          // business logic goes here
  • Test the caught exception for its type, and handle or rethrow it based on that.

      try {
          const createdUser = await this.User.create(userInfo);
          // user was successfully created
          // business logic goes here
      } catch (error) {
          if (error instanceof CreationError) {
              console.error(error) // from creation
          } else {
              throw error;

    Unfortunately, standard JavaScript (still) doesn't have syntax support for conditional exceptions.

    If your method doesn't return promises that are rejected with specific enough errors, you can do that yourself by re-throwing something more appropriate in a .catch() handler:

      try {
          const createdUser = await this.User.create(userInfo).catch(err => {
              throw new CreationError(err.message, {code: "USER_CREATE"});
      } …

    See also Handling multiple catches in promise chain for the pre-async/await version of this.

  • Use then with two callbacks instead of try/catch. This really is the least ugly way and my personal recommendation also for its simplicity and correctness, not relying on tagged errors or looks of the result value to distinguish between fulfillment and rejection of the promise:

      await this.User.create(userInfo).then(createdUser => {
          // user was successfully created
          // business logic goes here
      }, error => {
          console.error(error) // from creation

    Of course it comes with the drawback of introducing callback functions, meaning you cannot as easily break/continue loops or do early returns from the outer function.

Another simpler approach is to append .catch to the promise function. ex:

const createdUser = await this.User.create(userInfo).catch( error => {
// handle error