Could not load exp:// Something went wrong

May be your network doesn't support LAN communication. Switching LAN to Local worked for me. From your MAC you can go to http://localhost:[portnumber] As shown in the picture below.

enter image description here

You better open XDE Client and enable development mode. Then, click on the gray cog to make Host > LAN (Local area network - which means sharing packages over WiFi with a real device).

Localhost option may work as well but according to Expo Debugging docs:

If you are using LAN, make sure your device is on the same wifi network as your development machine. This may not work on some public networks. localhost will not work for iOS unless you are in the simulator, and it only works on Android if your device is connected to your machine via USB.

Also, here is a visual informative answer that I wrote a few months ago that may also help: How do I run an app on a real iOS device using Expo?

Sometimes the problem is due to using a wrong network adapter priority.

open the terminal and run


if your main LAN adapter is not listed as the first adapter, then changing the adapter priority may solve the problem. Just follow the steps:

  1. Goto Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network Connections

  2. Right click your main LAN

  3. Click Properties > Internet Protocol Version 4

  4. Click Properties > Advanced

  5. Uncheck 'Automatic Metric'

  6. Enter 10 in 'Interface Metric'

  7. Click OK

I encountered the same problem and none of the solutions worked for me. The problem here is that Expo shows the wrong IP address which your phone can't connect to.

This is how I worked around it. I'm going to assume that you're on windows and using LAN to run the app on your device.

  1. Open cmd, type ipconfig and find out your local IP. It should be listed as IPv4 Address under the Wireless LAN Adapter section. It will look something like 192.168.xx.x
  2. Now open any text editor in your phone and type exp://192.168.xx.x:19000. Copy this text to your clipboard.
  3. Open Expo app. You will now see the Open from Clipboard option on the top. Press it and your app should load.

Now anytime you want to load an app, you can copy the same address and open it in Expo.

There's another simpler workaround I found. Run the command set REACT_NATIVE_PACKAGER_HOSTNAME=192.168.xx.x before expo start. This will set the correct IP in Expo Dev Tools.

Hope this helps.