"Could not open input file: bin/console" Error comes when try to Run the Symfony Application
As @chapay and @cered says we can use this command instead.
php app/console server:run
Its Symfony 2 command and the one I had problems with is Symfony 3 command. And I found out few other times also this issue comes.
for sometimes we can replace 'bin' with 'app'. like,
php bin/console doctrine:mapping:import --force AcmeBlogBundle xml
php app/console doctrine:mapping:import --force AcmeBlogBundle xml
And if not we can choose the correct command in 'http://symfony.com/doc/' site by changing the version.
The file app/console was moved to bin/console in Symfony 3. So instead of running
php bin/console server:run #valid in Symfony 3
Try running:
php app/console server:run #valid in Symfony 2
Before to use this command make sure you installed dependencies from composer.json