Could They Be The Same Day Of The Week?

Python 2, 58 bytes

print u/100+5>(u-8)*5/4%7>u%4/-3

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A direct formula.

Jelly, 20 18 bytes


Outputs 1 for members, 0 for non-members.

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How it works

99R4ḍj`‘ṡ%4ȷ$S€P7ḍ  Main link. Argument: n

99                  Set the return value to 99.
  R                 Range; yield [01, .., 99].
   4ḍ               Test each element in the range for divisibility by 4.
     j`             Join the resulting array, using itself as separator.
                    The result is an array of 9801 Booleans indicating whether the
                    years they represent have leap days.
       ‘            Increment the results, yielding 1 = 365 (mod 7) for non-leap
                    years, 2 = 366 (mod 7) for leap years.
         %4ȷ$       Compute n % 4000.
        ṡ           Take all slices of length n % 4000 of the result to the left.
             S€     Take the sum of each slice.
               P    Take the product of the sums.
                7ḍ  Test for divisibility by 7.

MATL, 17 bytes


The program halts if the input belongs to the sequence, or runs indefinitely (infinite loop) otherwise.

Let n be the input. The code executes a loop that tests years 1 and 1+n; then 2 and 2+n; ... until a matching day of the week is found. If no matching exists the loop runs indefinitely.

The membership function for n is periodic with period 400. Therefore, at most 400 iterations are needed if n belongs to the sequence. This requires less than 20 seconds in Try It Online. As a proof of this upper bound, here's a modified program that limits the number of iterations to 400 (by adding @401<* at the end). Note also that this bound is loose, and a few seconds usually suffice.

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`           % Do...while
  0Gv       %   Push column vector [0; n], where n is the input number
  @+        %   Add k, element-wise. Gives [k; k+n]
  5:        %   Push row vector [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  Yc        %   Horizontal "string" concatenation: gives the 2×6 matrix
            %   [k, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; k+n, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. The 6 columns
            %   represent year, month, day, hour, minute, second
  YO        %   Convert each row to serial date number. Gives a column
            %   vector of length 2
  8XO       %   Convert each date number to date string with format 8,
            %   which is weekday in three letters ('Mon', 'Tue', etc).
            %   This gives a 2×3 char matrix such as ['Wed';'Fri']
  d         %   Difference (of codepoints) along each column. Gives a
            %   row vector of length 3
  a         %   True if some element is nonzero, or false otherwise
            % End (implicit). The loop proceeds with the next iteration
            % if the top of the stack is true

Old version, 24 bytes


Output is 0 if the input belongs to the sequence, or 1 otherwise.

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400         % Push row vector [1, 2, ..., 400]
"           % For each k in that array
  0G&v      %   Push column vector [0; n], where n is the input number
  @+        %   Add k, element-wise. Gives [k; k+n]
  5:        %   Push row vector [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
  Yc        %   Horizontal "string" concatenation: gives the 2×6 matrix
            %   [k, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; k+n, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. The 6 columns
            %   represent year, month, day, hour, minute, second
  YO        %   Convert each row to serial date number. Gives a column
            %   vector of length 2
  8XO       %   Convert each date number to date string with format 8,
            %   which is weekday in three letters ('Mon', 'Tue', etc).
            %   This gives a 2×3 char matrix such as ['Wed';'Fri']
  d         %   Difference (of codepoints) along each column. Gives a
            %   row vector of length 3
  a         %   True if some element is nonzero, or false otherwise
  v         %   Concatenate vertically with previous results
  A         %   True if all results so far are true
            % End (implicit). Display (implicit)