COUNT results from SQL Query with a HAVING clause

You can also use a sub-query.

SELECT count(*) as Amount
    SELECT col_appid FROM tbl_ui_paymentstubs
    WHERE isnull(col_payment_amount,0) > 0
    GROUP BY col_appid
    HAVING min(col_payment_issued_date) BETWEEN '09/01/2010' AND '09/30/2010'
) Claims

Using COUNT with a GROUP BY clause will provide a count for each group. If you want the count of the number of groups, it will have to be a separate query (like your CTE example).

I would just use a simple subquery, instead of the CTE:

 (SELECT col_appid, min(col_payment_issued_date) as PayDate  
  FROM tbl_ui_paymentstubs  
  WHERE isnull(col_payment_amount,0) > 0  
  GROUP BY col_appid  
     min(col_payment_issued_date) >= '09/01/2010'
     and min(col_payment_issued_date) <= '09/30/2010') Claims