Crashlytics: How to see user name/email/id in crash details?

It's now in the bottom of a issue page under section 'Recent Activity'

Click into a version, you will see the more specific information. And the user information.

But there is another question, the crash and error was logged in Fabric is organized by group, and I have tested that a crash report can only record the recently triggered user information if a new user triggered this crash the user's information will replace the existing one.

Update I have asked for Twitter's support and found what I need. In issue list an issue item may combined with some same crashes or errors, in other word an item contains some crashes all in one. So a page represent a crash happened and detail information will display in it.THE MOST IMPORTANT IS the report can be scroll through in the top of the page then you can find the specific user information.

In my case there was no such option to see user name and details as it is but in issue details page there is a tab for Export Ids So on clicking same it downloads the .csv file of users.

enter image description here

enter image description here

This is how I am doing it

Crashlytics.sharedInstance.userIdentifier = (user) ? user : @"Unknown";
Crashlytics.sharedInstance.userName = (firstName && lastName) ? [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@ %@", firstName, lastName] : @"Anonymous";

I am doing it once when the user data is available. Shows up in Fabric like this (when viewing details for a single crash): enter image description here


  • [CrashlyticsKit setUserIdentifier:@"123456789"];

  • [CrashlyticsKit setUserEmail:@"[email protected]"];

  • [CrashlyticsKit setUserName:@"Awesome AppUser"];

Enhance Crash Reports