Create plugin LayoutProcessor::process vs override checkout_index_index.xml

XML Checkout. Should think about XML first.

1) A standard practice

Most of the developer will take a look the XML first to check the XML layout.

2) Maintenance

If you're familiar with checkout XML, you will see that it's easy to change. On the other hand, LayoutProcessor::process() will be "messy" if there are one more changes from different extensions.

When do we need to use LayoutProcessor::process() plugin?

1) Complex logic

It's hard to say in this case. But for example:


['payment']['children'] = $this->processPaymentChildrenComponents(

We need to assign the billing info to each payment. As we can see, it's impossible to use XML.

2) Remove component completely

We can use XML to disable a component, but component still is rendered. We can remove this component completely.


<item name="%the_component_to_be_disabled%" xsi:type="array">
    <item name="config" xsi:type="array">
        <item name="componentDisabled" xsi:type="boolean">true</item>


unset($jsLayout['components']['checkout']['children']['steps'][%path_to_target_node%]); //%path_to_target_node% is the path to the component's node in checkout_index_index.xml
return $jsLayout;

3) Can do what XML cannot do...

Don't need to explain more here.