Create Spark Dataframe from SQL Query

to save the output of a query to a new dataframe, simple set the result equal to a variable:

val newDataFrame = spark.sql("SELECT a.X,b.Y,c.Z FROM FOO as a JOIN BAR as b ON ... JOIN ZOT as c ON ... WHERE ...")

and now newDataFrame is a dataframe with all the dataframe functionalities available to it.

I found this here Bulk data migration through Spark SQL

The dbname parameter can be any query wrapped in parenthesis with an alias. So in my case, I need to do this:

val query = """
  (select dl.DialogLineID, dlwim.Sequence, wi.WordRootID from Dialog as d
    join DialogLine as dl on dl.DialogID=d.DialogID
    join DialogLineWordInstanceMatch as dlwim on dlwim.DialogLineID=dl.DialogLineID
    join WordInstance as wi on wi.WordInstanceID=dlwim.WordInstanceID
    join WordRoot as wr on wr.WordRootID=wi.WordRootID
    where d.InSite=1 and dl.Active=1
    limit 100) foo

val df = sqlContext.format("jdbc").
  option("url", "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/local_content").
  option("driver", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").
  option("useUnicode", "true").
  option("useSSL", "false").
  option("user", "root").
  option("password", "").

As expected, loading each table as its own Dataframe and joining them in Spark was very inefficient.

If you have your table already registered in your SQLContext, you could simply use sql method.

val resultDF = sqlContext.sql("SELECT a.X,b.Y,c.Z FROM FOO as a JOIN BAR as b ON ... JOIN ZOT as c ON ... WHERE ...")